how to brew

make the most of your coffee beans with these helpful tips!

French Press


For a 34oz french press vessel, use 56g of coffee, ground medium to fine.

Bring water to a boil in a kettle, then remove from heat for a few minutes to bring temperature down. Grind & pour coffee into vessel, and splash a small amount of just-under-boiling water over grounds. Stir to temper coffee.

Pour remaining water into vessel, stirring constantly in alternating rotations to incorporate. Steep for 3 minutes, and plunge slowly (take about 20 seconds to do this so no grounds escape above the filter).

Cold Brew


Use 120g of coarsely ground coffee with 80oz of cool water (or use a 1:4 coffee to water ratio).

Grind coffee and pour into a lidded vessel. Pour cool water on top and stir to incorporate the two.

Steep for 16-18 hours in the refrigerator, stirring occasionally (every 2-3 hours).

Strain through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a second vessel or pitcher, and store chilled for up to 2 weeks!